Author: 991KBU

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=.  Major policy and personnel changes at Malibu City Hall. =.  City staff will no longer offer conclusions about whether projects meet city codes. =.  Decision makers will be on their own… This after commission staff came under heavy fire recently. =.  An interim planner is hired to replace Richard Mollica …an assistant director too.  […]

Caltrans Officials Talking Bike Lanes And Center Dividers on PCH, As They Listen To Malibu State surveyors are measuring the property lines along PCH in eastern Malibu … as Caltrans is asking the public how to squeeze in pedestrian and bicycle accommodations onto the limited width of the highway. The question … where exactly does […]

Caltrans Entertains Ideas To Calm PCH, State Mentions a ‘Pacific Coast Boulevard’ One person thinks a 65 mile an hour speed limit on PCH is the answer.  Others want 35 mph signs in the business section of Malibu. Caltrans wants to know whatever other ideas the general public has. Tonight from 6 to 8 … […]

Search Warrants Signed To Seize Evidence Against Summer Wheaton For PCH Murder The case against Summer Wheaton, the Los Angeles woman who was apparently responsible for the death of a man on PCH after the booze-soaked July 4 Nobu party, is being investigated deliberately, by the book, a sheriff’s official said Monday. Yesterday, detectives obtained […]

$395 Million Bond Issue Proposed To Finish Middle School and High School Campus Santa Monica’s school board is getting ready to ask Malibu voters to approve a school bond election … 395 million dollars to be spent only on Malibu. The last Malibu bond issue … Measure M … passed in 2018 … 195 million […]

Planning Director Resigns In Controversy City planning director Richard Mollica has resigne. Mollica has been under heavy fire from some residents and under pressure from his bosses to revamp City Hall. … resigned. The resignation came Wednesday ,… the city has refused to release his letter of resignation. Friday afternoon, the city confirmed the resignation, […]

Malibu’s tortured relationship with Nobu restaurant enters a new phase this summer, as the city has tentatively granted the celebrity restaurant a permit for its annual Fourth of July party, which has been an enormous pain in the neck for Malibu residents and visitors.  Last summer’s party culminated in a daylong blockade of Pacific Coast […]

After 10 Weeks, Caltrans Paints Stripes Around Critical Traffic Obstacle It only took 10 weeks … but as of this morning … there are two westbound lanes heading towards Malibu at Sunset.  As KBUU News reported yesterday … the state yesterday repaved the center median. This morning … the Tranmonto landslide is still there … […]

Malibu City Council Asks County To Restart Divorce Court, As Santa Monica Dawdles It looks like the City of Malibu is turning up the heat on Santa Monica.  After meeting in secret last night … the city council voted to remove the freeze on its petition to divorce from the Santa Monica school district.  The […]

Proposed artwork conception for PCH/Webb Way to commemorate 61 deaths on highway. Estimated cost $350k to $500k. Details on KBUU news, 7-9:30.   Artist Proposes Her Vision For PCH Memorial: $350-$500K – QR CODE Included Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And so is hideousness.  You be the judge … we’ve posted a […]

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