Proposed Art Installation At Webb Way – Artist Envisions Malibu Paying For This

Written by on May 28, 2024

Proposed artwork conception for PCH/Webb Way to commemorate 61 deaths on highway. Estimated cost $350k to $500k. Details on KBUU news, 7-9:30.


Artist Proposes Her Vision For PCH Memorial: $350-$500K – QR CODE Included

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And so is hideousness. 

You be the judge … we’ve posted a picture on the KBUU Newswire. 

An artist with a website has proposed that the City of Malibu – or private contributors – pay for and install her vision of a permanent … half million dollar sculpture to memorialize crash victims on Pacific Coast Highway.

Her name is Caroline P.M. Jones … she runs a business designing tombstones. 

She envisions a floral wreath sculpture … about 8 to 10 feet high …. made of stone or bronze. 

It would include a sculpture pedestal and nameplate with a QR code … what she calls a digital “Tree of Life.”  The QR code would link to an online site map for people to add stories about their lost loved ones.

It could include features related to grief support groups or chat rooms. 

Jones envisions charging bereaved families a few thousand dollars for the listings. 

The memorial with landscaping would require approximately 300 to 400 square feet .. she envisions it whereto ghost tire are now … at the corner of PCH and Webb Way.

The proposed project is expected to cost between $350,000 to $500,000.

That includes the design, sculpture and podium, park development and landscaping, digital memorial development and maintenance, marketing and public engagement, and a contingency. 

The artist is Carolyn P-M Jones … an artist for more than 30 years. 

Sher says her work has been featured in public and private collections in the United States, Hong Kong, Britain, China, India, Japan, South Africa, Italy, and several other international locations.

Not the first time an artists has come out of the woodwork to propose a civic art installation in Malibu … always featuring their creations … never talking about open competition for the public space … attention or money.

Her submission goes before the Malibu Arts Commission this morning at 9:30.

How did it go?

We don’t know.   We were broadcasting the news and could not get to City Hall.   The meeting was not streamed on the web …. as the city has stopped making its routine commission meetings available to the public on the internet. 


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