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Horvath Rushes Funding To Malibu To Build PCH Traffic Circles At El Matador Beach And Encinal Canyon Rd Two temporary traffic circles will be placed on PCH in Western Malibu … a quick move to slow traffic. One will be at PCH at El Matador State Beach, and the other further west at PCH at […]

Malibu High On Track For August Move-In, As Plans Are Underway For Middle School And Pool The New Malibu High School bulldings might be opened at the start of next year’s school year in August. That’s the news from Santa Monica Malibu school district officials … delivered to a community bond oversight committee last night. […]

A lawsuit has been filed against two city council members … and the city … by a departed city hall planner. Former Malibu city employee Adrian Fernandez cites examples of alleged racial discrimination … and his lawyer says people in this all-white city use code words to discriminate against nonwhite people. They lawsuit also names […]

Santa Monica Digs In Its Heels Against Independent Malibu School District Malibu’s drive for an independent school district is still hanging without a vote from a key LA County Committee. Ot’s called LA-COE … the LA County office of Education. And last night …,the Santa Monica school board majority bared its fangs against Malibu. Although […]

Major Decision May Come Tonight On Proposed Malibu District Tonight may be an important step for forming an independent Malibu school district.  But it will be only the next step on a process that started more than 10 years ago … and may not end for many more years. Tonight at 6 … the LA […]

The Santa Monica school board last night put out a 183 word statement explaining why it missed a its own self-imposed deadline … to finalize the Malibu school divorce. This excuse note can be summarized as “my dog ate my homework.” The issue … of course .. is the proposed Malibu School District. Earlier this […]

Southern California Edison sent out an official to give the official explanation for the October intentional power outage in Malibu Monday night. He did not tell the truth. And this time … the city council was not buying the power company’s inaccurate excuses.  Joshua Torrez … a senior government relations officials with the power company […]

Fog Triggers Flash Power Line Fires And Possibly An SCE Outage There is thick thick fog in Malibu this morning. And when fog gets this thick… powerlines start catching fire. Dirt and grime that accumulates on insulators gets wet… That causes electricity to literally leak across the insulators. And wooden poles can warm up and […]

=   Caltrans lays down the law … sidewalks, and bike lanes are coming to Pacific Coast Highway. =.  Malibu will get to have input on other major traffic changes… like increasing parking and how to squeeze in the bike lanes.  =. Roundabouts and reducing the highway to one lane in each direction west of […]

A Malibu populace that seems to be unable to agree on anything … begins to try to reach consensus on where to build parks. KBUU news learns that the city is trying to buy a mountain top square in the middle of Malibu.  Again. Will the Malibu triathlon come back and if so, who will […]

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