Fire Chief Promises Immediate Answer On Each Rebuild Concept

Written by on January 28, 2019

Looking forward … the fire chief did announce some changes … possibly some that he crafted on his feet … while listening to residents during the meetings.

One important point was raised by residents … who said tough new fire codes may prevent them from rebuilding their houses.

They pleaded to the Fire Chief for help …

They need someone from the fire department tell them … right now … if their burned out lot can even be rebuilt.

Or … if narrow driveways or lack of water flow or some toher problem … means the lot simply can’t be rebuilt.

The residents say it is expensive to draw up plans only to see them rejected by the fire department at  the end of the permitting process.

It is a waste of money to redesign a new house only to be told no at the end of the expensive planning process by the fire department.

They asked for the fire department to help them determine … before spending money on redesign … if they’re going to get a red light at the end of the process.

Chief Osby.


“And you hear it from me, that I recognize that the fire code talks about access.

“It talks about grades, it talks about turnarounds.

“The fire code also mentions gallons per minute: 1250 gallons per minute.

“Here’s what we will do, and this is what we commit to, that we will do what is reasonable.

“I will commit to you that we would look at each property and do what is reasonably safe.

“That’s a relationship from all of us in this room, that we are going to commit an additional staff to the city.

“That we are going to work collaboratively with the agencies that are responsible for the codes, to make reasonable decisions.

“It’s our objective to rebuild the city.”

LA County fire chief Daryl Osby.

[There are no radio stations in the database]