City And County Challenged On Rejection Of Alia Ollikainen’s City Council Petitions

Written by on August 17, 2020

Malibu’s city clerk has rejected the nominating petitions from Alia Ollikainen … for being one name short of the required 20 names of valid registered voters.

Ollikainen has demanded that the city clerk reverse the decision … and put her name in the ballot.

The want-to-be candidate says she will see what City Hall’s response is on Monday and take it from there.

Given the weekend … we do not have any official statement from the city.

But Ollikainen says she was told that seven of the 26 names on her petition were deemed to be invalid.

And that this was determined by the Los Angeles County Registrar/County Clerk’s Office.

Two of the names were stricken for signing too many nominating petitions … there is a limit on that.

Other names were from people who don’t live in the city.

Others signed with an address that was not correctly updated.

But Ollikainen is focussing on two petition forms that were filled out by the same person … but signed by two different voters …

She says those should be legal .. the county said no.

Ollikainen says her nomination paper thus has 21 names on it … at least the minimum required

“So I’m sure this will be addressed quickly” …. she tells KBUU via email.

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